Did you fired or did you quit?

Did he break with you? Or did you break up with him?

Did she unfriend/unfollow you first? Or did you?

How much you care about the answers to these questions depends on your ego.

How much you judge someone for how they answer these questions is how hard you judge yourself when a relationship ends for you.

Because what is the ultimate outcome of each these questions?

It doesn’t matter who broke up with whom, whether leaving a job was by choice or not.

The relationship ended.

Everyone’s heard of the saying, “one door closes, another door opens.”

It’s not anything new but I want to expand on that.

Like a Hotel.

I’m hoping THIS analogy will help you change your mindset will help you get over a relationship that ended or give you the courage to end a relationship that you know you should end.

Hotel of romantic relationships.

Hotel of jobs.

Hotel of friendships.

When the door closes, it doesn’t matter if you closed the door or if someone closed the door for you.

It’s closed.

Now, where are you? The lobby.

Depending on your mindset after the door closed, this lobby can be a shitty one like the Motel 6 with a broken vending machine and a creepy dude behind the counter or a fancy one like Shangri La.

You can stay in the lobby as long as you want and recover, read some books, get some snacks, go to the gym, or get a massage.

When you’re ready, you can start looking for the types of rooms you’d like to stay in. (ie enter the dating scene, find a job, make friends)

OR you don’t even have stay at that hotel.

You can leave those big shiny doors to the open world and do something else.

Don’t want to start dating again? Don’t. The Hotel of Relationships will always be there.

Have enough money saved to do some traveling? Do it.

Always wanted to open up an Etsy shop and sell your sock puppets? Do that. Screw the Hotel of jobs.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter how a relationship ends, it’s how you start your next chapter that determines where you go in life.

So think of it as a hotel and perhaps this mindset will help you get over a relationship that ended or give you the courage to end a relationship that you know you should end.

Which hotel are you currently focusing on?

Let me know in the comments below.


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