Are you currently contemplating a big life decision?

Making decisions is tough sometimes, especially when it feels like your entire life is going to change because of it.

What if I choose the wrong path? And there is no going back? 

I don’t want to regret not doing something or doing something I will regret.

The process of choosing can be so painful that it prevents you from deciding at all. You’d rather be stuck in limbo, waiting for someone to make a decision for you or until you get to a breaking point, hitting rock bottom where there are no choices left.

Whether you’re deciding to switch jobs, start your life with someone, have kids, move across the country, you will only experience one choice. Think of the decisions you’ve made in the past and how each of them led to something else.⁣ Every moment you have lived thus far has led you to this moment, sitting here, reading, listening and/or watching this blog post, to this sentence.


Take a few seconds to marinate in that thought.

Time moves forward, consecutively, without stopping.

Then make a decision. There are no right or wrong life decisions, only a decision. You will never be able to experience the exact path that you did not take, even if you decide to choose it after the fact.

Time would have passed; people would have changed.

Environments would have evolved; social landscapes would have transformed.

And most importantly, you would have changed.

Reflect on who you were a month ago, a year ago, 5 years ago…how have you changed? 

But really, it doesn’t matter what choice you choose.

Regret is for those who don’t want to or believe they can’t learn from the past.⁣

The one thing that is certain will happen

During life changes like getting married, getting divorced, starting a relationship, ending one, leaving a job, starting one, moving to a new city…you get to see the true colours of people. It’s like a litmus test for filtering out the authentic relationships from the inauthentic ones.

Be bold! Be brave! Make those scary life decisions. ⁣

Those who support you and want you to shine will be there, cheering you on. ⁣Those who can’t stay for your metamorphosis are only holding you back.⁣

You do you and your true tribe will appear.⁣

So Readers, what’s a decision you’ve been trying to make for a while?


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