What are your insecurities? Let's dive into them

Have insecurities?

Scared to be yourself?

Worried about what others think of you? Or may think of you if you were to be real with them?

Other people’s perception is one of the most common insecurities that people have. 

You’re not alone which means most people are too busy thinking about themselves to pay attention to you.

Most people are their own worst critics. Just watch people as they walk by a mirror in a clothing store. ⁣

Who do they look at?
Themselves. ⁣They’re looking at their shoes, their skin, how their clothes look on their body, their makeup that day, their hair…etc. 

So if you’re afraid of how someone thinks of you…they’re probably thinking the same thing. ⁣

Never assume someone’s insecurities.
A person who is quiet doesn’t mean they are insecure about socializing.
A person who is overweight doesn’t mean they are insecure about their body image.
A person who isn’t wearing brands doesn’t mean they are insecure about their finances.
When we make assumptions about someone’s insecurities, what we are actually doing is projecting our own onto someone else as an attempt to validate our self-doubt. 

On the flip side, never assume someone’s securities.
As mentioned in a previous post about security, there are many behaviours that secure people exhibit that aren’t necessarily conspicuous.
A person who is a social butterfly doesn’t mean they are secure about public speaking and performing in front of crowds.
A person who looks incredibly fit doesn’t mean they are secure about what they look like and have a positive body image mindset.
A person who makes a lot of money and wears expensive clothing doesn’t mean they are secure with their financial situation.

Knowing these truths and removing these assumptions about others will help you realize that everyone is just as insecure as the next.

If you rise up, address the insecurity head-on, let your true self shine…you’ll attract those who relate to you. ⁣

So be authentic to who you are, project yourself to the world because you might just inspire someone else to. 

And those who don’t will keep staring at themselves in the mirror.⁣

So Readers, what’s one thing that you want to do or say that you’re insecure about?


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