Let’s talk about control.

As a recovering perfectionist, the moment I hit my first rock bottom at the age of 16, I realized it was my fear of losing control that made me resort to destructive behaviours such as disordered eating and self-harm. It was as though the power I had over how much or little food I ate and how much pain I inflicted on myself justified the lack of control I had over people.

This life lesson taught me that we can’t control other people.

We can’t control if other people are smarter, have more money, are taller, prettier, talented etc than me.

We can’t control what they say to us, what their beliefs and values are, their perception of who we are. They do they.

However, we can control ourselves, our actions and reactions to people. We don’t like what someone says to us. We can control how we want to respond, how we process that information, how we physically and emotionally react to those words
And we have the power to control our own expectations.

We can control what standards we want to meet and we can control how high or low we want them to be at.

We have the authority to adjust them within a second’s notice. That change in mindset will empower you to take control of your life. You should never fear losing control because controlling yourself is something you can never lose.

What’s something you want to take control over in your life?

Leave in the comments below.

If you have any ideas for topics you’d like me to talk about, let me know below!